Upload local file here to Dash Creations
Electronic files are accepted in the formats of: jpg, psd, bmp, png, and tiff. Most electronic files can be sent as an attachment but can also be mailed on a CD or floppy disk.
300 dpi (dots per inch) minimum and approximately 4” x 6” in size is required for a quality product. This will allow the image to be resized to fit most specific products and retain a good image. Most on-line photo album images are not of sufficient quality. We can, to some degree, enhance an image to acceptable quality.
Photographs may be submitted by mail and we will scan the photograph at an appropriate dpi. However, you should keep in mind that a low quality photograph will not create a high quality image. The original negative would provide a better source.
Any original photos or negatives will be returned with your order.
Professional photos require a release form from the photographer.
No images of a pornographic nature will be accepted.
Orders in another language are not accepted unless we can verify the meaning and find it to be appropriate.
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